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      AberDance white clover

      Germinal’s AberDance seed produces a medium-leaf white clover.

      AberDance medium-leaf white clover

      • Suitable for continuous sheep grazing through to rotational sheep and cattle grazing
      • Bred from winter hardy material to provide flexibility
      • High yields and shows good survival and excellent persistence

      Get Germinal clovers

        White clover is nearly always grown with a companion grass, and most typically with ryegrass, with the type of ryegrass being dependent upon the primary use of the sward.

        Developments in white clover breeding have increased the versatility of its use and the longevity of white clover within swards, with greater nitrogen tolerance being a key feature in more intensive systems. Sustainable systems incorporating white clover range from long term pastures  for continuous sheep grazing (using small-medium leaf white clover varieties such as AberDance) through to medium term pastures for rotational sheep or cattle grazing (modern medium leaf varieties such as AberLasting and AberNormous).